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Make X Summer Camp
Design and create your very own project while learning how to use dozens of tools and materials! Everything from laser cutters to 3D printers to soldering irons to painting supplies will be available for use in whatever project a student chooses. Each session, students will have a few options of projects to choose from and spend the remaining time at camp developing and creating their project. Mentors will aid in project-building, and encourage students to learn as they go while offering their expertise and knowledge where applicable. In this hands-on environment, students will pick up the skills they need to learn through the making process.
Summer 2024 Registration Information will be Published Soon
Camp Time: 9am - 1pm
Mon - Thu
Cubberley - V Building
Resident Registration: February 1
N/R Registration: February 9
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4

For all Make X Questions Please Contact Chris Sanchez
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